This is a recent video I found very interesting, discussing an idea of a link between being autistic (especially high masking) and ego death. Does the video resonate with you? What do you think?

  • Tony! Toni! Toné! ☑️
    11 months ago

    Besides the overall “TikTok Psychology” vibe she exudes — which is extremely off-putting since so many people claim autism now or casually use phrases like “OMG I’m so autistic” because of what they see on TikTok, which in turn minimizes our struggle — she also has an understanding of the terms “ego” and “ego death” that is extremely basic and pedestrian, but she attempts to come across as well-learned in the area. If she would instead present her ideas as just that, her ideas, it would be a lot easier to hear her points.

    That said, I find myself agreeing with her central point: masking is exhausting. But exhaustion and masking are not “ego death”.