Free speech can’t flourish online — Social media is an outrage machine, not a forum for sharing ideas and getting at the truth::Social media is an outrage machine, not a forum for sharing ideas and getting at the truth

      78 months ago

      Nothing makes my day more than clicking on a vid, then seeing some really intelligent shit in the comments.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        8 months ago

        Pornhub comments is where I learned about the existence of and how to make chicken adobo. Shit’s delicious.

        This is the most _________ comment I’ve ever read on the Internet.

        *Can’t think of the proper word to use for this comment, it’s totally blown my mind. Esoteric? Nope. Non-sequitur? Nope. Has the word actually been invented that describes this comment? It’s power is over 9000!

        ** I have further questions. Where can one get the recipe for chicken adobo? Also, why when you use voice-to-text does the word “internet” always show up in lower case, when it’s a pronoun that is supposed to be in uppercase?