Buying a game during a trip to another town, being away from your computer for a week, and spending the entire week just fondling the game box, reading it, reading the papers that came inside, doing game foreplay.
A week… My family took 4 week vacations every summer. Of course I had to buy a game the first week. Those manuals and gaming magazines during summer got a lot of attention.
Sweet memories.
I only did that once. It was R-Type.
I got it back home and it wouldn’t load. My parents were not in the mood to drive all the way back for the sake of £2.99 of my pocket money.
I eventually palmed it off on Toys R Us when I noticed their receipts just said “Game”. I got another copy. That wouldn’t load either.
I was a young adult when I bought falcon 3.0. I was two days from home and spent the car ride reading that book that came with it. It quickly ended up on the shelf above the toilet and I spent a many evacuations looking through it. I have never before or since bought a game with a larger manual.
I remember doing that for HoMM3. I brought it with me from home when I stayed with my grandparents for a few weeks one summer. It wouldn’t install on their PC so I just read the manual cover to cover forever.