I’ve been bitten by a horse, snake (twice, years apart), cat, red back spider, dog (twice, weeks apart). What’s your count?
A pure bred Akita named Misha. She was a beautiful and nice dog that some neighbors down the street has. I loved that dog and pet her whenever I went by and she was out.
One day, after walking one of the little neighbor girls to school, I stopped to pet her and she got excited and in the process of licking my face, got a fang caught in the bridge of my nose, ripping it open from top to bottom. She didn’t mean to, but it happened and I had to get a bunch of stitches (and discovered that they can’t numb cartilage), so the poor girl had to spend the rest of her life in a small high-fenced yard. I hated it, but I completely understood the owners wanting to make sure they didn’t have to put her down over a mistake.
Had an Akita in the day. Dude looked like a black bear cruising the house, and he was bigger than the actual bear I caught on my trail cam last week.