Uuh I was planning on scamming people by making low quality anvils but this works too.
You can also make copies of Ben Eater’s “world’s worst video card”, put it on a pcb with an isa slot and wait for goobers to buy them on ebay. As long as it can actually output video you don’t have to accept returns.
I’d pay good money for a working one.
Someone fabbing a PCB and selling it unpopulated would be great too
I was just joking kind of. I am a struggling computer engineering student always looking for ways to use my skills to earn a little extra income. What type of system compatibility would you need? Arduino compatible serial? Vintage AT motherboards? Some other thing like maybe a commander x16? If people really would be willing to buy homebrew graphics cards like that maybe I’ll look into it.
PCIe would be super impressive, I’m not sure that it could even be accomplished.
I think you would need to fab his entire stack to make it work. Unbreadboarded would be a super cool project and if that’s the space you want to work in, it would make a great portfolio item.