Sometimes there are fees for card payments but not checks.
My last apartment complex charged like $20 to pay online vs no extra fee for getting a money order from the post office. No idea why
could be because they use a service with fees for their online payments, but I suspect it’s also because they expect people to cough up a bit extra for the convenience.
I’m in Australia and where I live they’re required to have three options for paying rent. Two were incredibly inconvenient and one was online and had a fee. Pretty sure they’re just scumbags.
A lot of places are using a third party to handle online payments a d they are trying to pass on the cost of that to the payee.
So many banks have a free bill pay service. They will mail a check on your behalf every month. You just have to set it up. No stupid fees.
For the simple reason they know a lot of people will pay em $20 not to have to go get a money order.