DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip::The app-based delivery service is alerting customers that drivers may not take their order in a timely manner if there is no tip included upfront.

      188 months ago

      I sit there at work sometimes, and people are ordering food from takeaways ten minutes walk up the road, paying easily three times what you’d pay to go and get it yourself.

      It just doesn’t seem to occur to them that they can go and fetch it.

      88 months ago

      The only real reason I can see people using apps like these regularly is if they’re disabled or otherwise unable to drive and can’t easily go out to get it themselves.

    8 months ago

    I honestly wish people would quit using these delivery services in general.

    They literally have done nothing but cause problems in store. They cause people who actually came to the store to have to wait because we got a fuckin door dash order for $60 and we’re told to put mobile orders as top priority.

    Not to mention all the headaches of trying to contact customers about substitutions or out of stock items. It’s just a fuckin mess.

    You’re paying more for lower quality and I honestly don’t even feel bad when I fuck up an order. You’d have been able to tell if you actually came in.

    And before anyone brings up disabled people the main users of these delivery services in my area are college kids.

      48 months ago

      I honestly don’t get the hate. People obviously want to order restaurant food to have at home. Maybe they’re watching a series, studying, have kids, are introverts… like who even cares the reason. And they’re willing to pay more. Why not try to accommodate that?

      To me it sounds like the issue is UX related (contacting customers) and store related (expediting orders in the best sequence). Neither of those seem like the solution is wishing people wouldn’t use the service.

        -18 months ago

        You clearly don’t work in food service where we’ve had a constant increase of work load with basically no increase in pay.

        And now we’re forced to deal with online ordering which completely disrupts the normal flow of things.

        It’s not optimized it’s forced and as a result both the employee and the customer are more stressed.

          98 months ago

          That still doesn’t sound like the customers fault at all. It should be possible to set certain things as out of stock, depending on the system probably automatically.

          The fact that you’re interrupted for online orders sounds like your workflow isn’t optimised for having online orders at all. Just look at McDonald’s drive-in, that’s a completely separate flow from the in-store orders usually and they make it work. That might be a very visible example but many other stores have updated their workflow to accommodate online orders if offered.

          So both these issues (calling customers to fix shit and the forced workflow) are completely fixable. You shouldn’t be mad at customers using delivery services, be mad at the store owner that just wants the money from delivering without making sure their system is up for it (not to mention they underpay you, even more reason to be mad at em)

    458 months ago

    Is it too much to ask that I might be able to just pay for this service? Sometimes I want or need food ordered. If it costs $20 to have it delivered, and pay the delivery person fairly, sometimes that’s worth the cost to me. I wish tips were an extra for “thanks for doing something above and beyond or awesome”. They shouldn’t need to be expected.

    $1.99 convenience fee $4.25 app fee $3.99 delivery fee Oh, and don’t forget to tip your driver because none of this goes to them.

    ^^^^ this cap needs to stop. Just give me the $15-$20 delivery fee and be done with it.

      78 months ago

      I just wish the fees weren’t based on a percentage of the total bill, on top of the fact they blatantly jack the menu prices up. A few of us would like to use DD and similar for work lunch, sometimes. The charges for $60-80 of food is ridiculous, when it should be a flat rate for the service. You’d think they would want to incentivize these larger orders. Assuming the food is ready when the driver arrives, there should be no difference for the driver, who would generally get tipped on top.

        18 months ago

        That’s about what they make with tips and an hourly pay for doing the task. Instead DD has created the system where that responsibility falls on the customer buying food.

          18 months ago

          I live in Germany and the delivery cost here is max. 6€, usually 2-3€. Never found any delivery service more expensive than that. My bad…

        168 months ago

        Which is why it’s only worth it sometimes. If that’s what it takes to provide the service without fucking someone over to the point that I’m expected to help them recoup their loss, then yeah, that’s what it should cost.

          28 months ago

          This is the spirit is what I’m after. It’s likely usually going to seem lopsided if I’m paying to have one meal delivered, but If in having a meal for a small group or the family with some leftovers expected, it likely seems more reasonable. The people doing the work shouldn’t be getting screwed, the business should get to cover cost and make a small profit, and the customer gets to make choices without having to do fee gymnastics for every different place with a sprinkle of guilt that you’re responsible to decide what to pay the workers via tip.

          I expect food delivery to be kinda expensive, you’re usually saving me 30-45 min to go get it, wait for the order, and return.

    408 months ago

    How lazy and dependent people are if they can be “blackmailed” by the food delivery service and that service doesn’t fear a significant loos of customers!

    528 months ago

    That’s why the ridiculous North American tipping culture needs to be called out as much as possible.

      258 months ago

      This is barely related to tipping culture, this is a service bid. They just refuse to call it that.

        158 months ago

        It’s part of tipping culture because it uses the acceptance of tipping to slip this bidding system in. It also doubles as a tip because there is no separate tip option and tipping is expected for delivery. I’m sure more people wouldn’t mind “bidding” low if it just meant getting their food later. Instead there’s also the specter threat that a disgruntled worker will tamper with their food for daring to make a low “bid”.

        78 months ago

        Exactly. All the people complaining about extortion don’t understand the economics of Door dash / GrubHub / etc.

        The food delivery person sees a potential job come in and can accept or reject it. In a few seconds they decide what to do. If it takes them 10 minutes to go to the place, 10 minutes to wait for the food, and 10 minutes to drive to you, they estimate a total of 30 minutes of work.

        Of course they’re not going to do it for no tip. There are plenty of other people tipping. Your food is going to wait for somebody to pick it up for whatever minimum amount DoorDash guarantees them. Maybe there is a second order going in your direction.

          48 months ago

          I live way out of the city center, but any time I order I don’t tip in advance but my order is picked up near instantly anyways. My trick: living in a country without tipping culture where the drivers are paid for their time no matter how big the order or how far it goes.

    • danque
      208 months ago

      This is not even tipping anymore. This is paying to get normal service, not better service.

        138 months ago

        That’s always been the exact problem with American tipping culture. When it’s expected to tip, you’re no longer doing it to get better service, just normal service - which means it’s just a hidden extra price.

        18 months ago

        Focusing on the wrong issue, but you’re technically correct. You’re not tipping. You’re guessing at what door dash should be properly paying their employees instead of DD doing it themselves in your favor.

  • edric
    158 months ago

    Holding your food hostage for tips. lmao. Just pick it up yourself or drive-thru and make it part of your existing commute.

    228 months ago

    As a driver for one of these apps it’s more of a bid than a tip. People send me bids to deliver their food and I deliver to the highest bidder. It sucks because that’s not what a tip is supposed to be and the majority of the delivery fee doesn’t go to the driver. That’s why I don’t really order from these delivery apps myself anymore.

      18 months ago

      I often opt to starve/eat random stuff in the house than order. Now if I actually want to order, I have no idea how to order

      48 months ago

      Thanks for confirming something I thought true. I’ve always been a generous tipper not because I like tipping culture, but because in the absence of an alternative it seems awful to punish the people working hard to scrape together a living by catering to my laziness.

      However, I’ve noticed that I almost always get food that’s ordered through these services very quickly – although my small sample size is anecdotal at best. But like you, I don’t order through the apps if I can help it.

      68 months ago

      Literally fucking every place now and I hate it. Ordering take out food that I am picking up myself? It’s “swipe your card here and it’s going to ask you a question”. Literally everywhere. Even places designed to be walk-up and get your food and leave, like a local smoothie place or something.

    • Kalash
      -178 months ago

      All the ones that are ordered online?

        • Kalash
          8 months ago

          Tipping? Yes, very much. The entire concept is silly.

          Paying your food order online? No. Why would you want it any other way?

            8 months ago

            The concept of tipping isn’t silly at all, I’m not sure why NA doesn’t seem to understand how it should work.

            I’m fine with tipping, expecting it to happen or forcing it is the weird aspect here.

          8 months ago

          Yeah… It doesn’t make sense, it’s either a fee, or it’s as someone else here pointed out a bribe so they might go faster take better care of your food or take your order at all. But nothing ensures that if you pay first …

          Tbh I feel like tipping in general should end already… they only thing it makes is desperate people trying to get by instead of getting a proper income to begin with.

        28 months ago

        Why? There’s no reason the tip can’t be added after the delivery has been performed. You know, to incentivize good service, the whole point of a tip? If they already have your money why should they care how good their service is?

        • Kalash
          8 months ago

          Are you for real? Like, how can you bootlick this hard over tipping?

          How about you just do the fucking job I already paid for, you know, with the actual price of stuff. And if you service sucks, people won’t order from you. No tipping required for the system to work.

            48 months ago

            Tipping rather than paying a living wage sucks balls, but if you’re going to do it, it should at least be done the proper way rather than as an extortion before service is even performed.

  • Rose56
    28 months ago

    The driver “the clock is ticking bitch ! your food is getting cold” This is actual ridiculous

    8 months ago

    Why can’t people just learn to cook for themselves. It’s a basic life skill. Your body needs food, learn how to make the stuff. It’s not even a hard skill There’s even food you can do low effort and fast. And it’s healthier cuz when you order out you’re consuming so much more salt and sugar than you’re supposed to and it’ll literally rot your organs.

      318 months ago

      I’ll give you the real answer. Most people are working so much they are exhausted at the end of the day and the thought of doing anything other than resting is even more exhausting. Door Dash will get there eventually with the food meanwhile you rested the entire time AND have food now. Some of us are depressed on top of this which makes us even less motivated to cook or clean or do anything really. People need to work less and have more free time. Then we will see them cook more and take care of themselves more.

        98 months ago


        I love to cook, it’s something that brings me joy to see myself create delicious meals and feed my family. But my God, after a long day of work and then getting my kid from daycare, only to come home and have to figure out what I can make and then do it is just too much. I’d rather focus my attention on playing with my kid, and coming down from the day, than spending all my time in the kitchen. I’ll make my kid food and then order something for my wife and I afterwards.

        We shouldn’t be punished with cold food just because DoorDash/Uber/Skip won’t pay their drivers properly. I can’t always drop 18% (somehow the norm where I live) on top of their already baked in delivery fee, and service fee. Also, tipping as far as I’m concerned is an after-the-fact action. If you exceed your job I’ll tip you, but delivering my food warm and on-time is your job… Why tip when I consistently have late deliveries anyways. I can always pay a premium to get my food first, but that’s just another fee.

        There’s no winning here

          28 months ago

          I hear you but please understand none of these places have you or your family in mind on nutrition. At the going rate you can start seeing the effects on your body of high sugar and salt as early as your late 40s. Doesn’t matter how much you exercise either. That stuff eats your organs. Diabetes, heart disease, pancreatitis, stomach cancer is just a tip of the iceberg of choices of the lovely shit that is about to greet you for those choices. This is what the people of the ‘growing up on McDonald’s in the 80s” are facing right now. And a lot of them just thought looking lean and exercise was all that took to negate the effects which is bullshit. Exercise only targets fat and caloric intake. It doesn’t negate what overdosing sugar and salt does directly to the organs.

          I get that it’s hard but this goes deeper than just convenience. This stuff is really toxic. Literally. Tips aside. Albeit the gouging is pretty fucked up on its own but that should be a hint on how little they care about you. They want your money. They inject salt to make you buy this shit. They don’t care if they kill you and your family over ca$h.

          28 months ago

          I feel like dealing with tipping culture is a byproduct of just giving people more time to recover from a weeks work.

          Like a 4 day work week for example. Pay adjusted so no one loses money. People have more time to relax and recover from work, actually live their lives. They cook more, and places like DoorDash can’t parasitically siphon money off of people who are just desperate to rest.

          I can’t believe I’ve been conditioned to think this is impossible because it helps people too much. Sometimes I hate the U.S. .

          28 months ago

          If you think this is frustrating you’re not alone. This is a trap made by rich and powerful people to keep people in line. You can’t argue if you’re always overworked and tired. When homelessness is the other choice you don’t even get to make a choice 99% of the time. People died to make work less overbearing and it seems we might have to go through this again for any changes.

    78 months ago

    Who the heck is still using it and the ones like it past the point of once? The few times I played with it just to check it out the meal was 3x the price of getting it myself. I have used it twice while on work travel and both times the food was cold and messed up.

    188 months ago

    Don’t like the concept, stop using the service. It’s that simple.

    But also that annoying, because this model where your ““tip”” becomes a bribe is a cancer upon society that needs to be eliminated.