This is for people that I live with.

I don’t mean any lame team building exercises, but casual group activities. It could be something mundane like organizing a trip to the store together. Movie trips would also be fine as would showing something on the home projector, though I feel like there’d be more distractions and temptation at home.

  • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️OPA
    28 months ago

    We could go to the grocery store or a movie at a time when it’s not busy.

    We could go for walks somewhere but it would take a collection of mopeds and e-bikes going at e-bike speed because there’s not a good walk place from the house. I think a group walk at night when it’s quiet would be good.

    There’s one roommate with noticeable autism and I wouldn’t call it very severe but he could be trying to hide it.