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tweet by Johann Hari: The core of addiction is not wanting to be present in life, because pour life is too painful a place to be. This is why imposing more pain or punishment on a person with an addiction problem actually makes their addiction worse.

    178 months ago

    It’s not necessarily your life, but your mind. You could be living in objectively sweet circumstances, but coping with past traumas via addiction. The problem is that by trying to hide from your problems, they just get worse and bigger, which turns into a self-reinforcing cycle of addiction. Breaking that cycle takes an extreme amount of courage and sustained determination.

      78 months ago

      Just gotta keep feeling the pain, even though you’ve got the means to end it right there. You have to be willing and able to deal with whatever it is that makes you recoil and reach for the pipe whenever it enters your mind.

      I’ve had a few days where I decided to stay sober and I just spend hours and hours thinking about all the mistakes I’ve made and how I can’t unmake them and how twisted up my social responses are and then there’s calculation about whether to kill myself and I’m like “fuck this” and grab the pipe, and then I just feel comfortable, and play some video games, and fuck around on reddit, and eat a huge amount of food to make me pass out.

      At work it’s not so bad because Im always busy but at home it’s either high or hell of my own making.

    08 months ago

    At the risk of controversy-- and spoken as a ten year addict now clean for 25 years… I did not feel the motivation to get clean until I was made to fear the consequences of my own vile self centeredness, selfishness, and pain I was causing others and others in my own life. The stern judicial system played a strong role in helping me wake up.

    • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️A
      8 months ago

      I agree. I’m Abrahamic communist and drugs are harmful to the working class.

      I want to be clear that I support heavy deescalating the crusade on drugs. I also support decriminalization for use of drugs, but there should still be legal consequences like forced rehab.

    • Hyperreality
      8 months ago

      A lot of people are in denial about how often they engage in escapism. Whether it’s alcohol, binge watching, reading, gaming, porn or their phone.

      Personally I swapped drugs for podcasts, audiobooks, and audio dramas (shout out to BBC sounds). Helps drown out all the negative thoughts.

      Not sure if that’s a good idea either, tbh. But I’m still here, so maybe that’s something.

      Hope you’re able to get in a better place so you feel less need to escape from life. Not happy, happiness is overrated. But just that you want to live, experience your life, and what happens next.

        88 months ago

        I just want to add a plus one for audio dramas, if which the BBC has some great ones, especially some old horror series. Sure, it’s not exactly a replacement, but every little bit helps. I’ve been clean of anything not proscribed for about six months!

        • Hyperreality
          98 months ago


          One of the huge advantages for me is that, unlike tv/movies/gaming, you’re not exposing yourself to light from a screen.

          That means you can distract yourself, but there’s also a relatively high chance you actually fall asleep. Light from a screen really messes up your sleep schedule.

          IME also better than trying to sleep, and negative thoughts keeping you awake in the dark.

        8 months ago

        This is why ADHD is so hard to diagnose and treat in adults. You have found your coping mechanisms, it’s never about escapism or denial.

          168 months ago

          It took me a long time to realize I was doing exactly that, self-medicating for adhd. Even a small dose of proper medication has kept me off everything else. Too bad it cost hundreds of dollars and took months, once realized. Not to mention fighting the stigma of an addict

            98 months ago

            If you’re taking Vyvanse, they just released a generic version that’s much cheaper. You might have to ask your doctor to mark that a generic can be substituted.

            8 months ago

            A lot of doctors even are starting to recommend not medicating as that can disrupt your coping mechanisms and make your issues worse in some cases.

              98 months ago

              I feel like those doctors must not have much of a clue what having ADHD is like - my coping mechanisms keep me from killing myself, sure, but they do sweet fuck all to help me get my laundry done…

                -18 months ago

                But maybe not doing laundry as often is better than feeling like an emotionless zombie… medication affects people differently. Maybe “just” coping and surviving is better than being “normal” and productive for some people.

                  8 months ago

                  That trope needs to die. Medication doesn’t make me feel like a zombie at all. Not even a little bit. I’d happily take more of my liver could deal with it.

                8 months ago

                Yep so the doctor would recommend a service to do your laundry, leaves you more “me time” to handle the stress. Taking medication has side effects as well, very few of them are fun. My kid hasn’t gained a pound in a year since starting his medication. Sure it helps him focus, but he’s now falling behind on his growth and has trouble sleeping through the night. You’re trading problems for other problems. Medication is not some magic fix all, that’s pure ignorance.

                It’s funny that you think a doctor knows less than you…….

                  8 months ago

                  It’s funny that you think a doctor knows less than you…….

                  A lot of doctors disagree with other doctors. Lots of them straight up don’t believe in ADHD, or adult ADHD in particular. Hell yes I believe I know more than some random random doctor about my own personal experiences, especially if the doctor refuses to acknowledge established medical science.

                88 months ago

                Consider replacing your washer with a fire pit. You’ll find dealing with your laundry less of a chore, because fire.

        • moosetwin
          8 months ago

          I understand what you mean, but some people’s lives are very shitty, so I feel it’s a stretch to say it’s never escapism, even among those who have ADHD.

            8 months ago

            Fair I shouldn’t be so absolute, but taking away those coping mechanisms and replacing them with medication or other things can make it worse. Some people just need more “escapes” than others.

    448 months ago

    During the Covid lockdown, when there was nothing better to do, I was watching a court proceeding where a judge was really struggling with this while sentencing a person for possession.

    He felt like his hands were tied, and he was essentially forced to sentence a drug user to jail, which doesn’t normally work, but he had already tried all of the other remedies allowed to him. And he basically said, “I’ve seen a few cases where people get clean in jail because they can’t get the drugs. I hope this happens for you.” The sentence was like a month or two.

        58 months ago

        I was chatting to a guy who stayed in his room until he was no longer addicted to heroin. He said it was the worst time of his life.

        He also said he’d never take heroin again because that’s the last thing he wants to do in the world (get clean again). But he said that’s what they should do to all heroin addicts, lock then in a room until they are clean and they will never what to do it again, don’t give them any drugs to ease their suffering.

        Not sure I agree with the guy but I felt it was an interesting view.

  • This is anecdotal, but I think it’s a good qualitative example. When I was marginally employed I was routinely drinking, smoking, and getting high. Well as routinely as I could afford. Even when I was homeless, first thing I did when I scored $40 for a day’s work was go and buy a tallboy and a pack of cigarettes.

    Fast forward, and now I have a fancy WFH job with good bennies and a future, and I no longer drink, smoke, or do drugs. Part of that is age, but it’s not like I didn’t want to quit those things. It’s just that it got easier when life got more relaxing, and I could just chill out rather than try to escape.

    328 months ago

    people wouldn’t have to steal to feed their habit or overdose on laced shit if you could simply buy a portion over the counter barrier free and fairly priced

      8 months ago

      So much of overdose etc is not having a regulated dose! Not to mention, I bought coke and it was fentanyl instead. Should have known to test, but learned the hardest lesson.

      It’s the one time things don’t go right that you don’t make it back

      458 months ago

      Also, they wouldn’t be financing drug criminals and terrorists, but would actually be supporting legitimate small business and pay taxes.

      Legalization, regulation, harm reduction. That’s the way.

        -68 months ago

        I would support legalizing drugs that can’t be abused, like psychedelics. Try taking acid or shrooms a couple days in a row and it won’t have any effect until you take a tolerance break. But coke, opioids, & meth shouldn’t be easily accessible to the regular person especially in a store. I don’t even think you should be able to buy weed till your 26 and your brain has fully developed.

            -28 months ago

            Yeah you could, but me, my family, or friends can’t and I much prefer society being that way. And I’m talking about hard drugs, I could literally get weed or psychedelics anytime and in a lot of cities. I just wouldn’t want my little nieces and nephews getting hooked on meth or heroine from a store and having a new industry that could legally abuse peoples addictive tendencies.

            • Brother you sound pretty naive.

              I don’t drink alcohol, never have, and that’s available in every store.

              If you think just because something is decriminalised or legalised then the usage will increase then you’re misinformed. You can look at legal marijuana in many countries, or even Portugal and Switzerlands approach to harder drugs to see that isn’t the case.

              It’s hardly like it’s carte blanche for companies to start marketing crack to kids. In fact it should be government controlled and the proceeds can go to educating people. Or we could just do what we’ve done since the war on drugs started which has had little to no effect on the trafficking of drugs.

              Furthermore, by limiting these substances to the black market, you’re essentially happy for the proceeds to fund larger crimes like terrorism which will result in someone’s else’s nieces or nephews being killed. Also, you’re happy for the drug cartels to control some counties, what about the nieces and nephews in those counties?

              Incredibly naive.

              Finally, it’s heroin. Heroine is a courageous female.

                08 months ago

                I’m not saying I agree with the current state of the drug war, I just think the state should have the power to snatch you up and put you in treatment if you’re clearly addicted and constantly using hard drugs like heroin, meth, crack. I spent half my life in NJ and the other half in Iowa so I’ve seen how hard drugs like meth & crack could completely destroy people from varying ethnicities & socioeconomic backgrounds.

                And Seattle did decriminalize drugs only to go back to making it illegal, because their streets started filling up with junkies and ruining their city. Some drugs deserve to be illegal to be served to humans because of how it completely destroys them, it’s just much better for society to lock people up and force them to be sober then for a state to willingly serve poison to its citizens. And if you think alcohol is addictive as meth or crack then you’re the one who’s utterly naive.

          28 months ago

          I don’t even think you should be able to present an opinion here till your 26 and your brain has fully developed.

          8 months ago

          I took mushrooms for 2 months daily so it will still effect you without tolerance break u just don’t really get many negative effects in my experience

          Edit: I’m abt to go on an acid bender over Halloween too but that one tires u out alot more so I prefer shrooms

            18 months ago

            I take acid for a week straight during my birthday week and by the third or fourth day I’m not really experiencing much. Any psychedelic you take will have a very minuscule effect after a 3 day bender because your serotonin levels are very depleted. Personally I find shrooms just make me too emotional and I find the trips to be a little short so I much more prefer acid over any drug.

              8 months ago

              I do build a tolerance but I’m still 3xperienceing it by the 4th day. Shrooms r easier for me to talk abt cause I have more experience but got shrooms I can trip for maybe 3 weeks daily without any tolerance and I’m not entirely sure if I had tolerance at that point or was just getting more used to the situation

              Edit: psychedelics don’t deplete serotonin they attach to serotonin receptors. Mdma depletes serotonin

          108 months ago

          You are a bit naive on reality.

          Right now, anyone can buy coke, opioids and meth without any checks. Even minors.

          And organized criminal gangs take all the profit.

          With regulation, rules can be put in place for even the hardest drugs. And it would also be registered to whom it was sold, when, what and how much.

              18 months ago

              By the time I was 15 I had done cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, codeine, ketamine, mdma, amphetamine, methylphenidate, weed, mushr9oms, acid, dmt and probably more that I just can’t remember. The mushrooms didn’t fund a drug gang, they funded my education, but everything else funded a drug gang.

            08 months ago

            Right now, anyone can buy coke, opioids and meth without any checks. Even minors.

            But it’s really really hard, and it’d be even harder if fewer drugs required knowing drug dealers.

              38 months ago

              I mean, not really. I’ve never bought drugs like that, but I could have a bag of coke in about 5 minutes because only an idiot wouldn’t know a dealer when they drive past one.

              It’d be risky, but otherwise easier than walking into the local dispensary or liquor store. And I don’t have to show ID if I’m buying shit on the street (which is why minors are more likely to take illegal drugs than legal ones)

              8 months ago

              By the time I was 15 I had done cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, codeine, ketamine, mdma, amphetamine, methylphenidate, weed, mushrooms, acid, dmt and probably more that I just can’t remember. The mushrooms didn’t fund a drug gang, they funded my education, but everything else except those and alcohol funded a drug gang.

          138 months ago

          You shouldn’t have to wait 5 more years (assuming US law here) past the age you can legally drink yourself to death to buy weed. It’s also infantilizing and a denial of bodily autonomy to refuse adults the ability to make certain decisions because they might cause long term harm. By that metric nobody should be allowed to eat red meat, have sex, or get tattoos until they’re 26.

            -148 months ago

            alcohol isn’t that bad, wine is actually good for you and spirits do prevent botulism and food poisoning but that might just be the french side of my family talking 😂

                  8 months ago

                  I wouldn’t count the Known to the State of California warnings for much. They added that warning to coffee cups despite the link being weak and contrived.

                  And as others said, no study has linked consumption of weed edibles (or weed vaping) to causing cancer. In fact, it’s the opposite. Several (preliminary) studies show that marijuana retards of reduces the risk of some cancers. It is often prescribed to cancer patients for appetite-gain and pain reduction (with fewer side-effects than other prescriptions for the same), but is also now being prescribed for its potential anti-carcinogenic properties.

                  98 months ago

                  That link says cannabis smoke is a carcinogen, not cannabis itself. You don’t have to smoke cannabis to consume it, and almost anything set on fire and inhaled will cause cancer, including campfire smoke. Should camping be a 26 and up activity?

              38 months ago

              alcohol isn’t that bad

              Lol what? It’s toxic, it’s highly addictive, and its withdrawal symptoms can literally kill people. The reason so many people can use it without serious problems is because they have social support systems and a safe supply.

                -18 months ago

                You’re thinking of older generations that weren’t properly educated on the harms of alcohol use and didn’t have safer alternatives like cannabis. Gen Z or zoomers actually drink less. And alcohol has never crippled society or been detrimental to a large groups of people in society. but opiates and meth have both had significant and detrimental impacts on various societies throughout history. Here are some examples of how these substances have harmed societies:

                1. The Opioid Epidemic in the United States: This crisis has strained healthcare systems, law enforcement, and social services. The economic burden associated with opioid addiction and its consequences is substantial.

                2. The Opium Wars in China: In the 19th century, China was ravaged by the Opium Wars, during which the British Empire and other European powers forced China to open its markets to opium trade. The opium trade led to widespread addiction and social problems in Chinese society. The opium wars and the subsequent opium addiction crisis had far-reaching social and economic consequences, leading to the degradation of Chinese society and the weakening of the Qing Dynasty.

                3. Methamphetamine in Japan during World War II: During World War II, the Japanese government distributed methamphetamine pills (known as “Philopon” in Japan) to soldiers and civilians. This widespread methamphetamine use had disastrous effects on Japanese society. It led to addiction, health issues, and a breakdown of social and familial structures. The consequences of this drug use persisted long after the war.

                4. Methamphetamine in the United States: Methamphetamine, commonly known as “meth,” has had a significant negative impact on American society. The production and use of methamphetamine have led to public health problems, crime, and environmental damage. Meth addiction has torn families apart, and the associated crimes and social problems have placed a heavy burden on law enforcement and the healthcare system.

                5. Afghanistan’s Opium Production: Afghanistan has been a major global producer of opium for many years. The opium trade has funded insurgency, corruption, and violence in the country. The availability of cheap opiates has also contributed to addiction problems both in Afghanistan and among international drug users.

                The consequences include addiction, health problems, family disruption, crime, and economic burdens. Efforts to address these issues often involve a combination of public health initiatives, law enforcement measures, and harm reduction strategies to mitigate the negative impact of these substances on society.

    488 months ago

    I don’t agree with decriminalisation. Only full legalization makes sense. Treat addiction as a health issue instead of a justice issue. It’s amazing that we’re still stuck with the legacy of Nixon era policies, with 50 years of data to say the war on drugs cannot ever be won through prohibition.

    • Zammy95
      8 months ago

      I don’t think you need legalization to make the decisions necessary to help the health issue, I think you could work that sort of help in with decriminalization as well. However, people will still be using less than safe practices to get said substances without legalization as well, so I do agree it would be the overall better arrangement.

      But I do agree with the other commenter, starting with decriminalization is at least a step in the right direction.

        8 months ago

        Honestly, decriminalization is possibly worse a drug war (if only barely). Where legalization creates a regulated environment with research and controls, decriminalization increases the use by individuals without giving a legal way to acquire - which just empowers organized crime to get bigger and sell more.

        Pot is a weird magical exception because a lot of individuals started growing for their friends and family. But that wouldn’t happen with actual hard drugs.

          28 months ago

          You just can’t grow stimulants in most states. Go grow a field of Coca or Khat, good luck unless you live in like Florida or Southern border states. I guess you could grow poppy, but the landmass to output ratio is insane unless you chemically alter the opium. And at that point you might as well just grow thebaine yields and find a chemist.

            68 months ago

            I think you’re agreeing with me, here? It seems like you meant to reply to a comment below or beside mine, very similar to what I posted but not a direct response.

            But yeah… the fact that you can’t make most drugs is why decriminalizing will empower organized crime.

              18 months ago

              Just expanding on why it won’t work. People often think you can just take a coca plant and stick it in Michigan or whatever soil and expect it to grow during the summer season. Or they think a greenhouse will magically solve the problem. You would need a huge grow operation and even with current illicit prices I am not sure you would make a profit with the amount of power it would take.

                8 months ago

                Coca needs equatorial latitudes and high altitudes, so even the Mexican mountains probably don’t grow it that well. I’ve long thought the New Guinean highlands would be a great place to grow coca. As for khat, it should be growable in the southwest US.

                18 months ago

                I don’t know Coca very well, but I have known marijuana growers and the lengths they’re willing to go for their crops even now suggests to me coca could be profitable. I knew a guy a few years ago who had a license to wholesale (whatever they call it) in his own state. Small warehouse that’s fully temperature and humidity-controlled with grow lights, with a carbon dioxide injection system. His electric bills were massive, but his profit margins were more than sufficient.

                Would you say cocaine has tighter margins than pot? I would believe that maybe, but I don’t know for a fact.

          28 months ago

          Here’s an example that’s playing out live - the Australian Capital Territory is decriminalising several hard drugs as of tomorrow. The conservative media in Australia is making all kinds of ridiculous prognoses that I highly doubt will come to anything except a more humane approach to something most can’t explain coherently why flat-out prohibition has been the status quo around the world for a century.

          I think the main consideration in decriminalisation is reducing the burden on law enforcement and the courts, but this cost saving must be passed on to the health services that must go further than they currently are resourced to do. The thinking is, since police treatment and imprisonment of addicts leads to worse health outcomes anyway, we might as well help them with their addictive behaviours and minimise harm instead of adding to this harm by vilifying hard drug users. Most who choose to use them in the first place are already suffering with other psychological and physical traumas but lack the knowledge or ability to address them in the healthiest way.

            28 months ago

            What does that do about the illegal sources of drugs? Are they not dangerous criminal elements like in most countries? It also seems to make all health-related responses reactionary. I still hold that having dispensaries that provide those hard drugs in as safe a manner as possible would alleviate both of those concerns. The gangs distributing drugs suddenly have one fewer tool, and the dispensaries could also be trained (and even incentivized) on addiction handling

              28 months ago

              Sure, and I agree, but what your approach is forgetting is that you’re not a dictator who can change the laws at will, and the people must still obey them. Politics takes time, and the community won’t let any democratic government force revolutionary new laws on them without trying them out first. So decriminalisation is the first step. The Netherlands has one of the most advanced drug policy frameworks in the world, and might be in a position to establish government dispensaries - however, even they started with decriminalisation, the rest of us are just behind.

                18 months ago

                Sure, and I agree, but what your approach is forgetting is that you’re not a dictator who can change the laws at will, and the people must still obey them

                There’s two types of philosophy about the law. There’s the philosophy that laws are meant to be followed for organized society. Then there’s the philosophy that laws are about taking (or reclaiming) antisocial elements out of society. The former has always been toxic to me. The latter would say "if a law says something useless or wrong, you should be changing it instead of mindlessly obeying it)

                And “people must still obey them” is simply untrue. The fact that people won’t obey bad laws is exactly what leads us to this situation.

                Politics takes time, and the community won’t let any democratic government force revolutionary new laws on them without trying them out first. So decriminalisation is the first step.

                As I said elsewhere, making the black market stronger isn’t necessarily a step in the right direction. Politics aside, I think someone needs to get their head out of their ass and find a better way to get from “illegal” to “legal” without going through “organized crime paradise”

      18 months ago

      I’m reasonably okay with crack and meth being unavailable at gas stations.

      Marijuana has no damn reason to be illegal. Psychedelics are probably okay. Opiates, you can make arguments for. But some drugs are genuinely more trouble than they’re ever worth, individually or societally. I’d just like laws to be based on that reality instead of moralized by irrational liars.

            18 months ago

            Currently, gangs will sell unregulated drugs to anyone. Those drugs can be anything, and cut with anything. Which is why calling them “controlled substances” is so fucking laughable.

            So the harm for the average recreational user of substances like MDMA or classic psychedelics isn’t from the drug itself. It’s from having to buy it illegally, with no assurances of what is in it, and with the prospect of incarceration if you are caught. It’s the prohibition that causes the harm, not the drug.

            There have been many deaths from dealers selling what consumers thought was MDMA but it turned out to be bath salts or even worse. Making drugs like MDMA legal, with appropriate controls on who can use it, and proper quality controls, will reduce harm.

            When the laws cause more harm than the substance, and have done so for 50 years, it’s insane to pretend prohibition is anything over than a complete failure.

              18 months ago

              Meth addicts are mostly harmed by meth.

              The danger from some drugs is absolutely the drug itself, especially the ones that are so addictive we use them as shorthand to describe addiction. With a wider palette of mind-altering substances available - we won’t need the ones that ruin if you stop taking it, or ruin you if you keep taking it.

              And to get ahead of the obvious ‘but alcohol–’, it is impossible to stop people from making alcohol. Not hard. Impossible.

              We don’t have to pretend all drugs are equal, to say no drug use deserves punishment. Quality control is not the issue with krokodil. Or bath salts. Or paint. Some substances really are bad for you, and nobody should be selling them as drugs.

              Lumping together LSD and crack to say they’re both awful is exactly as irrational as lumping together LSD and crack to say they’re both fine. You should not do crack. Nobody should do crack. Crack is bad, mmkay? And finding something else to do to your brain will be easy when 7-11 has cocaine and quaaludes up beside the Pall Malls.

        • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️A
          38 months ago

          I can agree with that. I think that all drugs should be legal if doctors responsibly and in good faith believe that they are necessary.

            38 months ago

            Yeah, because this system of “I know this is a life-saving medicine. But if you don’t come have a physical and pay my copay, I’ll cut you off and let you die” works wonderfully now.

            I prefer the Home Depot variant of drug sales. If you’re sure you know what you’re doing, you can go in and buy that mainline electric wire to install your own panel without once showing them a license. You don’t need to be trained if you buy a chainsaw despite the fact it will absolutely kill you if you screw it up. Pharmacies should be the same way. If you know what Xgeva (random drug name) does and are 100% sure it’s for you, you can buy it with or without a prescription. But the rest of us would go to a doctor first just like you go to an electrician.

            But if you’re on something long-term, and you have no reason to go to a doctor, it shouldn’t be a contingency. I had a friend told she wouldn’t get diabetes meds if she didn’t get her annual female exams.

            • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️A
              18 months ago

              People aren’t responsible enough to go in and buy weed and only use it for medicinal purposes.

              If we did that, Trump supporters would use it to get ivermectin for their kids.

                8 months ago

                People aren’t responsible enough to go in and buy weed and only use it for medicinal purposes.

                People aren’t responsible enough to not drink enough water to kill themselves, too. What’s your point? Are you planning to have the government regulate food intake as well? Ban hamburgers?

                Luckily you can’t OD on weed, and the psychosis rate even at high dosages is extremely low compared to other drug acute reactions (like coffee). If we’re going to legalize anything, it should be weed. Even before fried food.

                If we did that, Trump supporters would use it to get ivermectin for their kids.

                I’d rather they give their kid ivermectin (with a pharmacist telling them they shouldn’t) than them giving them a spoonful of lysol. Or are you suggesting we stop people from being able to buy lysol and bleach?

                We cannot stop a bad parent from having access to things that harm their kids, we can only educate them and take the children from them if they are unfit to parent their child.

                • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️A
                  18 months ago

                  You can’t stop people from doing stupid things, but you can make it harder. We also don’t give in to emotional blackmail when hedonists threaten self harm to get their way.

                  I used to support legalizing weed, but I’ve seen how damaging it is to the type of vulnerable people who think it’s a miracle drug.

                  We already have governments that are passing laws against junk food. I don’t think that’s appropriate, but I think it would be acceptable to impose government intervention on people who demonstrate that they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Food stamps should not cover junk food.

                  I support extensive welfare, but only for people who are productive with it. If you have big government, then that government will come back and tell you what to do.

        68 months ago

        Yeah, but they’re doing that already (see: opioid epidemic, pill mills). I’d much rather people be able to buy FDA-regulated drugs from the gas station than from some random guy in a parking lot that scraped the drugs off the bottom of an RV bathtub.

    88 months ago

    I get the sentiment, then after thinking about it 10 seconds, I thought “hold on, what about all the CEOs that snort cocaine on top of naked women? Is their life painful, too?”

      88 months ago

      Because they aren’t addicted? They’re mostly social/opportunistic users of recreational drugs

      8 months ago

      Those types are likely desperate to believe that they’re living gods that are better than anyone else, and snorting cocaine on top of naked women supports that fantasy. So one could say they are escaping the painful reality that they are just another insecure selfish douche bag.

    358 months ago

    PSA that, while having said profound things about loneliness and addiction as of late, Johann Hari has a long history of plagiarism and making stuff up, and once really strongly implied in a TED Talk that if you have good social support then it can just vanish your opiate withdrawal symptoms

    @5:00 generally just web search this guy

      128 months ago

      Vietnam soldiers who were addicted to heroin were able to stop when they came back because it was a different environment. Addiction is usually caused by circumstancely factors rather than actual chemical imbalances that cause them to seek heroin. Like depression would be the root causing heroin addiction not heroin addiction being the root. This means that when those other things are solved the addiction can usually solve itself so I’d say in a lot of cases a good support system could definitely go a long way to solving an addiction. Albeit I don’t agree w her other points

    58 months ago

    This is a nice sentiment and everything, but for anyone who is all in on this guy I would recommend reading his book and getting to the “personal responsibility” part.